Seahorse The Seahorse XFe96 extracellular flow analyzer, manufactured by the company Agilend, is equipment granted by FAPESP to NOSC Lab through process 2017/05264-7. The equipment is used in projects that aim to investigate cellular metabolism. We can infer the glycolytic activity of cells by measuring the acidification ratio of the extracellular medium (ECAR) promoted by […]
QuantStudio QuantStudio is essential equipment for real-time gene expression analysis. In our laboratory, we use equipment to analyze the gene regulation of several markers, including inflammatory, tissue damage and mitochondrial activity. With its sensitive amplification and detection capabilities, QuantStudio plays a key role in basic research, driving discoveries and advances in understanding genetic processes.
Zebrafish facility Since 2016, our laboratory has maintained a vivarium dedicated to the experimental model known as zebrafish. Since then, we have been constantly working to expand and improve both the number of animals and the diversity of strains available. Currently, our vivarium houses more than 1000 fish, including wild specimens and a wide variety […]
Cisplatin Toxicity Causes Neutrophil-Mediated Inflammation in Zebrafish Larvae Int J Mol Sci . 2024 Feb 17;25(4):2363. doi: 10.3390/ijms25042363. Barbara Nunes Padovani, Camila Morales Fénero, Lais Cavalieri Paredes, Mariana Abrantes do Amaral, Omar Domínguez-Amorocho, Marcella Cipelli, Juliana Moreira Mendonça Gomes, Eloisa Martins da Silva, Luísa Menezes Silva, Raquel de Souza Vieira, Mariana Tominaga Pereira, Mario Costa […]